Friday, February 28, 2020

Chapter 14: Oh No, More Snow!

Humphrey feels that Og does not want to be friends. Why does he think that? Is it true? How do you know?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Chapter 12: Party Hearty

Have you ever had an experience with a bully or seen someone else have one? How did you or the other person handle the situation?

Chapter 11: Study Buddies

How did Seth end up being Tabitha's first friend?  Humphrey is surprised that boys and girls can be best friends.  If you're a boy, have you ever had a close friend that was a girl?  If you're a girl, have you ever had a close friend that was a boy?  Do you believe boys and girls can be good friends?  Why do you think that when boys and girls are friends that they sometimes get teased?

Chapter 10: Test Distress

What do you think was Humphrey's  plan on switching the study guides? 

Chapter 9: Mrs. Brisbane Explains

Mrs. Brisbane sang a song to Tabitha that said, "Make new friends, and keep the old, One is silver and the other's gold." What does that song mean to you?

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Chapter 8: III Will

Have you ever been accused of cheating at a game?  How did it make you feel?  What would be a better solution to their problem rather than yelling?

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Chapter 7: Fright Night

Miranda's step-sister, Abby, seems extremely mean when Humphrey first meets her.  But by the end of his visit, she seems nice.  Why was Abby crabby in the beginning?  What changed her?

Monday, February 17, 2020

Chapter 6: Crabby Abby

If you could choose to take either Humphrey or Og home for the weekend, who would you choose?  Why would this be your choice?

Friday, February 14, 2020

Chapter 5: Rhyme Time

According to Humphrey, what are friends for?  Can you add to Humphrey's list?

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Chapter 4: Mean Bean

Martin Bean is the bully's real name.  Humphrey says,"He's the Meanest Bean I've ever Seen!"  Can you make a rhyming sentence with your name?

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Chapter 3: Sad-Mad-Bad

Mandy complained to the other girls that Tabitha isn't very friendly.  Have you ever formed an opinion about a classmate and then later found out you were wrong? 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Chapter 2: Upset Pet

Why do you think Humphrey feel jealous about Og's appearance in the classroom?  How would you feel? 

Monday, February 10, 2020

Chapter 1: Strange Change

What are some of the changes in Room 26 when Humphrey returned?  How do you think Humphrey and/or the students felt about the changes?

Chapter 15: Poetry Festivity

What does this sentence mean?   " If you decide to have a pet, you have to take total responsibility."  What are some ways that yo...