Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Chapter 7: Fright Night

Miranda's step-sister, Abby, seems extremely mean when Humphrey first meets her.  But by the end of his visit, she seems nice.  Why was Abby crabby in the beginning?  What changed her?


  1. This is Jessica in Mrs Ragsdale class Abby felt like know one knows she exist. How Abby feelings change is when Humphrey uses reverse psychology on the sisters and they be come friendly with one another.

  2. She was upset because her mom got remarried and her life changed. She changed when Humphrey used reverse psychology on them. Everleigh- mrs. Grimms class

  3. Abby was upset because her mom married Miranda’s dad and she didn’t want so many changes. Humphrey changed that because he swapped their stuff around and made them solve problems together

  4. This is Jorden Estes in Mrs. Murphy's class. Abby was crabby because she thought Humphrey wasn't going to be nice to her. Abby changed when she got scared and Abby and Miranda hugged each other.


Chapter 15: Poetry Festivity

What does this sentence mean?   " If you decide to have a pet, you have to take total responsibility."  What are some ways that yo...