Monday, February 17, 2020

Chapter 6: Crabby Abby

If you could choose to take either Humphrey or Og home for the weekend, who would you choose?  Why would this be your choice?


  1. Humphrey because he is more
    interactive and tries to speak to you and he is crazy. But Og is annoying and does not do anything really.
    This is Natalie,Mrs Ragsdale

  2. I would pick Humphrey because I would play with him. This is Everleigh,MrsGrimm

  3. This Is Jessica from Mrs. Ragsdale class I would choose Humphrey because he tried to solve a problem and tried to squeak up.

  4. I would take Humphrey home because I think he would be happy with puffin( my hamster) playing with him also because he is very fun and all og does is sit

  5. This is Jorden Estes, from Mrs. Murphy's class. I would like to take Humphrey home because he's more social and fun.


Chapter 15: Poetry Festivity

What does this sentence mean?   " If you decide to have a pet, you have to take total responsibility."  What are some ways that yo...