Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Chapter 3: Sad-Mad-Bad

Mandy complained to the other girls that Tabitha isn't very friendly.  Have you ever formed an opinion about a classmate and then later found out you were wrong? 


  1. This is Jessica in
    Mrs. Ragsdale I have thought one thing about someone then we became friends

  2. I have some opinion but I have not figured out if they are true or not.
    Written by Draven Cummings

  3. Yes i have but then we became friends

  4. I have thought someone was mean but then they were pretty cool.--duwey Lawrence ms Leslie class

  5. This is Jorden Estes. Yes, there was someone I thought was mean, but it turns out he's nice.

  6. I have thought someone was mean, but some people are just shy, or reserved. Doesn't mean they aren't friendly if they keep to themselves. -Daniel Grimm

  7. Sometimes I think that people are mean but they aren’t and I still hang out with them.


Chapter 15: Poetry Festivity

What does this sentence mean?   " If you decide to have a pet, you have to take total responsibility."  What are some ways that yo...