Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Chapter 10: The Call

What might give you a stomachache if you ate too much?  And what can help?


  1. If I ate to much thick stuff it would give me a stomachache and it would help to just rest.

  2. If I ate too much gummy worms I would get a stomachache. I would have some water.

    1. Gummy Bears are my favorite and I agree I would have to drink a lot of water!

  3. This is Jorden Estes.
    Too many pickles would give me a stomach ache. I could drink water, to make it help.

  4. Sometimes if I eat too much spicy food I get a stomach ache. I have to drink water and rest when that happens.


Chapter 15: Poetry Festivity

What does this sentence mean?   " If you decide to have a pet, you have to take total responsibility."  What are some ways that yo...